Preston Vineyards North Important Pool Information
Posted on Jul 15th, 2022
A note to Owners :
Re: Pool Trespassing and Vandalism
The Association is coming to you for assisted vigilance and community help regarding the Community Pool. Unfortunately, we have been experiencing some increased trespassing and vandalism to our pool gates and pool furniture this summer. The Association will have to spend unbudgeted monies to repair gates and furniture due to these incidents.
Please note that only Owners, Family with their accompanied noted guests, are allowed to enjoy the facilities. Children under 12 Must be accompanied by an adult.
For your convenience, should you note anything concerning to you at the pool area please get in touch with our Property Management Company by use the following information if needed:,Online%20Reporting%20System%20(FORS).
Also, the Frisco Police Department can be reached at the following number:
Non – Emergency Line – 972-292-6010
Be safe, enjoy our pool! Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
Preston Vineyard North
Board of Directors