About Us
The homeowner's association is the cornerstone of a planned residential community. The association gives continuity to the community, preserves architectural integrity and maintains the common properties. In addition, the association promotes the community concept and protects the community's property values, and in many cases, makes available recreational and other facilities that might not otherwise be affordable or available to homeowners and residents. The homeowner's association can be the vehicle for community communication and can protect and maintain the common easements and common services that exist for the benefit of each member of the association.
Automatic and mandatory homeowner's association are part of the overall concept of residential property ownership. Purchase of the home or lot brings with it membership in the association which provides the structure for operation and management of the residential community concept. Membership includes certain mandatory obligations, financial responsibilities and commitment to abide by the use restrictions and rules of the association.
Members of the homeowners association have two responsibilities: one to themselves and to their individually owned property, and the other to the association and the community concept. The individual responsibility requires the member to occupy, maintain and use the property in accordance with the restrictive covenants. The collective goal of the homeowners association is to maintain the quality of the property and the lifestyle envisioned by the planned residential development.
The homeowners association provides for the maintenance of common areas and facilities through collection of dues. Texas Star Community Management is responsible for hiring and overseeing the maintenance contractors.
Your HOA dues pay for:
Landscape of common areas (mowing, edging, fertilizing and pruning)
Seasonal flowers
Irrigation repairs and maintenance
Pool Maintenance
Common area electricity and water
Directors and Officers Insurance
Texas Commercial Property Insurance
Social Events & Association Meetings
Administrative Costs
Accounting Functions
Annual Audit
Dues are collected in advance annually. They are billed semi-annually for homeowners convenience.
For your convenience, Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and the Architectural Modification Request form are available on this website.
If you have questions about your association, check the FAQ's page on the website or contact Kelli Swope, Community Manager, by calling 469-899-1000 extension 131 or by emailing her at kswope@tscmanagement.com
The Associate Manager is Cindy Mahar. She is the person who mainly deals with ACC's, the clubhouse and pool. She can be reached by calling 469-899-1000 extension 149 or by email at cmahar@tscmanagement.com.
If you have questions regarding the financials or your personal account, check the FAQ's page on the website or contact Brad Fraley, Director of Accounting by calling 469-899-1000 extension 110 or by emailing her at bfraley@tscmanagement.com.